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RESEARCH INTEREST: Financial Economics, Intermediation, and Innovation.


International Business and Decentralized Finance. 

(with Campbell R. Harvey) | 2024,

Journal of International Business Studies, (Forthcoming).

International Business | DeFi | Crypto Regulation | Fintech | Smart Contracts

Coins for Bombs: The Predictive Ability of On-Chain Transfers for Terrorist Attacks. (with Dan Amiram and Bjorn Jorgensen) | 2022, 
Journal of Accounting Research, 60(2): 427-466

Blockchain Forensics | Big Data | Machine Learning | Prediction Model

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Success and Post-ICO Performance(with Evgeny Lyandres and Dino Palazzo) | 2022, Management Science, 68(12), 8658–8679

Asymmetric Information | Textual Analysis | Econometrics | Data Quality

Tax-Loss Harvesting with Cryptocurrencies (with Lin William Cong, Wayne Landsman, and Edward Maydew) | 2023,
Journal of Accounting & Economics, 75(2-3): 101607

Trading Behavior | Tax | Big Data | Econometrics | Regulation


Blockchain Forensics and Crypto-Related Cybercrimes. 

(with Lin William Cong, Kimberly Grauer, and Henry Updegrave) | 2023. 

Cryptocurrencies | Cybercrime | Crypto Regulation | Network Security

Common Sense Recommendations for the Application of Tax Law to Digital AssetsResponse to the Congress' Request for Information Regarding the Taxation of Digital Assets (several scholars) | 2023. 

Public Policy | Joint Committee on Taxation | Digital Assets | IRS



Initial Coin Offerings: A Review. 

(with Evgeny Lyandres) | 2023,

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity.

Initial Coin Offerings | Funds Raising | Crypto Regulation | ICO Analysts


An Anatomy of Crypto-Enabled Cybercrimes. 
(with Lin William Cong, Campbell R. Harvey, and Zong-Yu Wu) | 2023. 

Blockchain Forensics | Big Data | Network Analysis | Cybercrime

Cooking the Order Books: Information Manipulation and Competition among Crypto Exchanges. (with Dan Amiram and Evgeny Lyandres) | 2023,

Market Competition | Information Manipulation | Econometrics | Big Data

Financial and Informational Integration Through Oracle Networks(with Lin William Cong, and Eswar Prasad) | 2023. 

Decentralized Finance | Oracles | Reputation | Price Discovery

Firm Disclosure Under Relationship Lending: Theory and Evidence from Bailout Loans(with Lin William Cong) | 2023. 

Lending Markets | Disclosure | Financial Crisis | Bankruptcy

The Market For Crypto Zombies: Under-Collateralization in DeFi Lending. (with Murillo Campello, Peiyi Jin, and Fahad Saleh) | 2024.


Decentralized Finance | Zombie Lending | P2P Lending | Trust

Auditing Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Protocols. 


Decentralized Finance | Auditing | Trust | Real Effects

Evergreen Lending in Times of Crisis

Lending Markets | Regulation | Financial Crisis | Small Businesses

Tax Avoidance with DeFi Lending
with Lisa De Simone and Peiyi Jin) | 2024. 

Lending Markets | Regulation | Tax Avoidance | Decentralized Finance
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